Friday, October 9, 2009

Soi Initiative

We met today and read a study about the affects of pesticides on children, and how organic has significantly lower levels of the toxic chemicals.

Today we met to decide who is doing what for the bake sale tomorrow. Me, tyler, and Jade are staffing the booth, while Eric, Noah, and others are bringing in the baked goods and stuff.

We had our bake sale today. We sold hot organic teas, organic brownies, organic cookies, and organic peanut butter squares. The tea sold extremely well, while the organic baked goods sold only mildly well. We made more money than we spend, and we still have plenty of tea left over for future sales.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Endurance Running 6/7

I wasn't able to run last sun. or wed. because of health issues, but this past sunday i was able to run the mile in 11:03 min with a heart rate of 130.

Cooking 6/3

Went with boston cream pie. It required me to make two cake layers, a custard filling, and a chocolate glaze. The chocolate glaze came out well, but the cake and custard was rather bland. I blame it on the electric stove. I should have been more careful with the exact measurements of baking, and watched the heat more carefully.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Endurance running 5/24

When I went to the gym on sunday I ran the mile in a suprising 10:20 minutes with a heart rate of only 160.

Endurance running 5/20

Adam and I went to the gym and I ran the mile in 12:30 min with a heart rate of 175.

Dog rescue

This past Saturday I was required to attend a meeting for all volunteers at the MSPCA in Centerville. It was from 11:45 to 12:45, and I should be contacted within the next two weeks.

Cooking 5/20

This week I made a simple shrimp scampi. All it consisted of was shrimp, fettuccine, green onions, garlic, and lots of butter. First I added half a stick of butter to a hot pan, then the garlic and green onions. When all of those were good and hot i added the shrimp. After about 5minutes I added the fettuccine and another fourth stick of butter. It was butterly delicious.